Ancillary Model Documents (Volume 3)

GGG Volume 3 - Book CoverFor any ground lease transaction, the lease itself is the main event. But the transaction often requires many other documents, especially guaranties. Volume 3 of the New Guide to Ground Leases offers sample Model Documents to fill all those needs. Some Ancillary Model Documents are cleaned up and modernized versions of documents that have been in use for decades. Others reflect original writing by the author.

Each Ancillary Model Document begins with introductory comments, such as substantive points to consider, pitfalls and problem prevention, other documents and deliveries that go with this one, substantive comments, and advice on post-closing administration. After that, most Ancillary Model Documents offer a Base Case for the particular Model Document, followed by Bells & Whistles. Click here for more on Base Case versus Bells & Whistles.

No one will ever use all Ancillary Model Documents in a single transaction. But every ground lease practitioner might need at least a handful of them in nearly every transaction, and others less often as circumstances arise. For a list of the Ancillary Model Documents, click here.

The Ancillary Model Documents seek to demonstrate the use of Plain English in legal writing. For comments on Plain English, click here.

Registered purchasers of the New Guide to Ground Leases will be entitled to receive an editable copy of all Model Documents in the New Guide, as they may be further improved over time, without additional charge. For more information, click here.

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